The program, launched in 2022, has witnessed a remarkable surge in participation, with over 10,000 students from across India participating in the program. This year, the program saw a record-breaking number of entries, with over 1,000 entries submitted by students across various age groups. The program’s focus on digital storytelling has empowered students to express their perspectives on pressing issues like climate change, gender equality, and access to education.
The program has been instrumental in raising awareness about environmental issues and empowering young voices to become agents of change.”
This statement reflects the importance of education in fostering environmental awareness and promoting sustainable practices. It highlights the importance of integrating environmental education into the curriculum and encouraging students to participate in initiatives like Kid Witness News.
The program has been implemented in over 100 countries, reaching millions of students. It has also been recognized for its positive impact on the development of young people, with numerous awards and accolades. The KWN has been praised for its innovative approach to education, its commitment to empowering young people, and its global reach. The program’s success is attributed to its unique blend of technology and pedagogy. It combines cutting-edge technology with age-appropriate learning materials and training methods.