Trucking Companies
As the owner or manager of trucking companies, your primary concern. Should be ensuring that your fleet is able to function optimally at all times. Any sort of mechanical failure or lapse in scheduling could result in mishaps. That leads to downtime, dissatisfied clients, and ultimately a loss in revenue. Thus, it’s imperative that you take the necessary steps to improve overall redundancy. So that you’re never caught off-guard by stumbling blocks. That you’ll inevitably encounter at some point in the future. With that being said, here are 4 ways any trucking company can ensure continued operations even in the toughest situations.
Trucking Companies
Partner with Satellite Truck Providers
Perhaps the worst thing that can happen to a trucking company is having a truck breakdown unexpectedly. Whenever a vehicle is unable to do its job, it becomes a financial burden rather than an investment. So being able to quickly replace down trucks is an ability that all well-rounded trucking companies should have.
Unfortunately, purchasing backup trucks. And leaving them to sit on your lot unused isn’t really an economic or wise option. A better course of action would be to partner with a satellite truck provider. Like the increasingly popular Satellite TruckXpress network. With their extensive on the ground inventory. They’re able to quickly replace a variety of work and transportation trucks to help companies and individuals minimize downtime. -
Have an In-House Mechanics Team
Having to drop your trucks off at a shop and leave them there for an unpredictable number of days is never the best move, especially compared to having dedicated mechanics already on your staff. Some companies choose to hire drivers that also have mechanic experience or credentials for this reason. Even if you only have an on-call mechanic who shows up when there are problems, that still is usually faster than relying on a shop.
Have Backup Drivers On-Call
Regardless of how reliable your drivers are, there’s always a chance that one of them won’t be able to show up for work one day. To prevent downtime due to driver lapses, it’s best to have several on-call drivers that you can depend on when the schedule gets busy or some of your current drivers are unable to step up to the plate.
Network with National Auto Repair Chains
Finally, if one of your trucks breaks down while it’s on the road, it may not be feasible to tow it all the way back to your place of business just to have it worked on. In such cases, it’s good to be plugged in with a chain of truck repair shops so that you can have the work done quickly and remotely without interrupting the original route. Ideally, you’ll want to build relationships with shops in any regions where your fleet is expected to operate.
In closing, heeding all of the above suggestions is the best way to minimize the chances of experiencing that ever-dreaded downtime which can easily result in a loss of business and reputation if left unattended.
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