One of the most common mistakes that drivers make. When taking out car insurance is failing to shop around first. This means that they may end up missing out on the best deals. Instead are having to pay extortionate prices for theirs.
However, there are in fact a number of ways to reduce the cost of yours. And with the help of car leasing experts. we’ve put together a list of the best tips and tricks.
Car Insurance
Shop around for the best deals
This may seem like the most obvious point. But it’s actually something that many drivers fail to do. Instead, they seem to panic-buy any old insurance policy. That the company is offering. The best way to do this is by using comparison sites such as Gocompare and comparethemarket.com. To find the best like-for-like insurance cover
Do fewer miles
If you travel for your job or use your car a lot on a daily basis then this may not be the most feasible option for you. However, if possible, it’s a good idea to try and cut the annual mileage that you do in your car. A reduction in the annual mileage of your car could save you a decent amount of money a year in premiums.
Make sure you protect your no-claims bonus
It’s important to always check your policy carefully; an accident caused by another driver won’t usually affect your no-claims bonus but accidents caused by the people insured could. It can be considered that a long no-claims bonus is one of the best ways to cut down on your car insurance costs, so it’s imperative to protect it.
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Don’t put everyone on your policy
While it might seem convenient for everyone in your family to be able to drive your car whenever they need to, it’s actually just a waste of money. Instead, only name the regular drivers on your policy and consider adding someone for a few days if they really need to borrow your car.
Ensuring that your car is secure
By fitting your car with an approved alarm or immobilizer, you can expect a discount of around 5% off your car insurance. Thankfully, most new cars will already come with security features. However, if they don’t, then you should consider fitting some.
Haggle for the price you want!
It’s no secret that the market is heavily competitive, so once you’ve browsed a number of comparison sites, get on the phone and start bargaining with companies! While many companies may insist that they have fixed prices, you may get lucky and land a conversation with someone who is able to agree to a bargained price!
Sign up for a Blackbox
Blackbox policies can be a very effective way of reducing your premiums, once you start proving that you are a good driver. This will come as especially good news to young drivers who are more susceptible to suffer from much higher premiums. They check how cautiously (or dangerously) you drive, how fast you’re going and at what times you are driving on the roads. Remember, the better driver you are, the more rewards you’ll receive.
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