Junks cars are difficult to sell because buyers rarely want to buy a vehicle that’s out of commission, but this doesn’t mean you don’t have any options.
Create a Work of Art
Some vintage models have a look that’s conducive to sculpture and garden creations. Picture a colorful VW Bug with the hood removed so a garden spills out, or parts of the car body used as a pond sculpture to house koi fish. If you’re not too keen on using a junk car as a lawn ornament, consider other creative methods, such as using it as part of a float in a local parade.
Donate to Charity
Charitable donations come with tax write-offs, so weigh the benefits of donation against selling for scrap. With charity donations, the programs use these vehicles as needed, even if it means selling a junker for parts in order to earn funds for the program. It’s a great way of giving back, and you just might see a noticeable difference on your taxes.
Sell it for Parts
Many potential buyers are looking for scrap parts, whether they need them to rebuild their own car or want the parts for other projects. Try advertising on social media or in a local newspaper to find buyers, or peruse websites such as sellusedcar.net for a sure thing. Most junk car businesses will even come to your home to pick up the vehicle and pay you that same day. This translates to some quick cash with very little hassle.
This option may be more difficult depending on where you live and what kind of connections you may have. Bartering isn’t something most people do anymore, but you may find some friends, family, or co-workers who need junk parts and are willing to offer you something in return. You can even advertise locally to see if anyone needs spare parts in exchange for their goods or services.
Try a Mechanic Program
High schools and community colleges often have shop programs, so they’re always in need of a donation. Inquire around town to see if there is a need in the community for a donated junk vehicle. Just as with donating to charity, giving the car to a program like this will come with the benefit of a tax write-off. Not only that, but you’re helping students learn valuable life skills that will help serve your own community in the future.
Recycle Your Own Parts
Before junking the car or taking it to the scrap yard, consider which pieces you can use on any other vehicles you own. Maybe you recently purchased new windshield wipers or floor mats and can use them on another car. More than that, a decent tire would make a nice swing for the kids. Try thinking outside the box to see how you can repurpose each and every piece from your junk car before sending it off for scrap.
Your junk car doesn’t have to take up valuable space in your driveway. Consider the pros and cons of each option to get the most out of your old junker.
Image credits: FreeDigitalPhotos.net/suphakit73